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Banff Winterstart Race Gallery:

Early Bird Registration:

First 500 to register receive a free gift.

Sponsored Accommodations:

Welcome Banff Winterstart Race athletes and spectators. The Banff Lodging Co is proud to support the Banff Winterstart Race and offers preferred rates to all athletes and spectators. Use promo code "winterun" to book discounted rates! View all the sponsored accommodations.

Race Kit Pickup:

Pickup your race kit at Tech Shop North Calgary location Thursday October 31, 2024 from 12PM to 6PM or Friday November 1st, 2024 from 12PM to 6PM. View all the race kit pickup locations. *note new hours*

Winterstart Night Run Support:

The Banff Quikies Ski Club was formed in 1978 to provide basic ski instruction for children in the Banff area. The Banff Alpine Racers Ski Club was formed shortly thereafter to create a competitive skiing program for graduates of the Quikies program.